A Comparison of Upside Down Tomato Planters

Since 2010, Tomato Dirt has garnered 4.8+ million views, making it the web’s leading online source for growing tomatoes in the home garden. Award-winning writer and Tomato Dirt owner Kathy Widenhouse has helped thousands of home gardeners grow healthier tomatoes. Be one of them when you get Tomato Dirt’s Growing Guide here.

There are two kinds of upside down tomato planters and systems:

  • the planter
  • the garden

Each has strengths and weaknesses for the home gardener.

The upside down tomato planter

Design: a hanging container
Positioning: requires a bracket or hook for hanging
Cost: inexpensive per planter (about $10-15 each), but can only accommodate 1-2 tomato plants

Portability: easy to move planters from one hook to another, as in moving indoors from outside
Space: does not require floor, patio, or garden space for set up; can be suspended from balcony, terrace, car port ceiling or even indoors
Variations: some hanging planters are simply bags; others are plastic containers.

The Topsy Turvy®, for instance, is a fabric bag that may need to be replaced after one season because of exposure to UV rays and the elements.
The Upsy Downsy™ is a basic plastic planter with a small sheet of strong interfacing screen material placed over the bottom hole, and can last for several seasons.

Special notes

  • Bags or planters can get very heavy when filled with soil, water, and as plants mature and need a very secure hook for hanging.
  • Products differ on contents. The Topsy Turvy® does not include potting mix and seeds. The Upsy Downsy™ includes coconut fiber planting medium and seeds.

The upside down tomato garden

Design: self-contained, free-standing units
Positioning: stands upright; does not require overhead hook or bracket for hanging
Cost: about $75-100 each; more expensive than hanging planters but can accommodate several plants
Portability: gardens are fairly large and cannot be moved easily
Space: requires floor, patio, or garden space for erecting

Special notes

  • Newer models of the upside down tomato garden are plastic and not quite as strong as the older models, which have metal legs.
  • The upside down tomato garden can be a top-heavy and prone to tipping over, especially on a windy day. When setting up the tomato garden, secure and anchor its base.

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