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10 Great Gifts for Gardeners

Since 2010, Tomato Dirt has garnered 4.8+ million views, making it the web’s leading online source for growing tomatoes in the home garden. Award-winning writer and Tomato Dirt owner Kathy Widenhouse has helped thousands of home gardeners grow healthier tomatoes. Be one of them when you get Tomato Dirt’s Growing Guide here.

Updated 11.11.2024

From big to small, more expensive to inexpensive, here is a list of gifts for gardeners that will bring a smile to their faces and healthy crops to their gardens!

10 gifts for gardeners with Tomato Dirt #GrowingTomatoes #GardeningTips

1. Compost tumbler. A rotating drum set up to allow the entire container to be turned, a compost tumbler allows the gardener to make “black gold” from kitchen scraps and garden refuse to improve their soil, but eliminates the laborious task of turning the compost pile. Tumblers come in all sizes. Most are portable. (More about compost tumblers.)

2. Self-watering tomato planter. This nifty set-up all but takes away the main obstacle to growing tomatoes successfully in containers: watering. Good planter kits come with everything a gardener needs to grow tomatoes (except tomato plants), including potting mix, support cages, and even casters for mobility. (Read a review.)

3. Tomato grow light system. It’s an ideal gift for the gardener who wants to start her own tomato plants from seeds. Choose from 4 types of systems to fit the gardener’s needs: tabletop systems, freestanding structures, modular units, and shelving. (More about the 4 types.)

4. Garden hose. Not only is it an indispensable piece of garden equipment, it’s indispensable for the homeowner and even an apartment dweller – and you can never have enough of them. Garden hoses are available in all kinds of lengths and materials to fit any budget. Consumer-grade hoses are constructed to meet the needs of an average homeowner. (How to choose a garden hose.)

5. Garden sprayer. This idea may surprise those who don’t spend much time digging in the dirt. But a garden sprayer is indispensable for applying fertilizer, fungicides, pesticides, and horticultural oils. When you choose a sprayer, beware that bigger may not be better – you need to be able to carry it from plant to plant to apply spray. Look for a sprayer that holds its pressure and that’s easy to clean. (Garden sprayers explained.)

6. Garden clippers. They’re a crucial gardening tool. You use them to prune tomatoes, trim away damaged foliage, and even harvest tomatoes, especially those that are on thick stems. When you give a versatile set of clippers, the gardener can use them in when taking care of other vegetables, flowers, and plants too. (Learn about different kinds of garden clippers.)

7. Garden gloves. A good pair has coated palms and fingers (durability) and is washable (convenience.) And don’t worry that “she already has this,” because a gardener can easily use more than one pair. (How to choose garden gloves.)

8. Garden trowel. As with garden gloves, it pays for the gardener to have more than one of this essential that makes it easy to mix in compost, fertilizer, and other soil amendments to tomato holes. It’s worth a few extra dollars to buy a quality trowel – and a gardener will certainly appreciate its longevity from year to year. Cheap trowels can bend and break. (Find out why a trowel is one of the most useful gardening tools.)

9. Tomato seeds. Inexpensive and fun – the perfect stocking stuffer! When you give seeds, you offer the opportunity for the gardener you love to try a different variety – one he may have wanted to try and has not or even one he may not have ever considered. (Where to buy tomato seeds.)

10. Gardening magazine subscription. Can there be a more thoughtful way to help the gardener in your life continue to learn and be inspired all year long? (Read a description of our favorite gardening magazines.)

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