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Tomato Masters June 2013 Winner

Since 2010, Tomato Dirt has garnered 4.8+ million views, making it the web’s leading online source for growing tomatoes in the home garden. Award-winning writer and Tomato Dirt owner Kathy Widenhouse has helped thousands of home gardeners grow healthier tomatoes. Be one of them when you get Tomato Dirt’s Growing Guide here.

Congratulations to our Tomato Masters June 2013 Winner … (drumroll, please!)

Susan Heritage of Vail, AZ!

Susan nabbed our first-ever award with her amazing Anna Russian, which clocked in at a whopping 23.0 ounces (that’s 1 pound, 7 ounces – nearly a pound and a half of luscious tomato flavor.)

How did she do it?

Here is what Susan shared with us:

“Usually I grow my tomatoes from seed, but this year I waited too long to start them. Nevertheless, I wanted to try some new varieties so I bought my seedlings from the nursery.  I like to make sauces to use throughout the coming year with my tomatoes, so I was focused on varieties that have larger fruit.  That’s why I chose the Anna Russian.

I think personally that success in the garden comes from the dirt.  I have been building my soil for 4 years. I make compost and I bury my compostibles directly in the garden soil, too.  I also irrigate my garden beds so that the plants have a consistent amount of water daily and a lot of it -- 1 gallon per day per plant.  Here in Arizona if you forget to water for one day, your whole garden could be wiped out.  That with the heat makes a happy tomato plant!

I planted on March 15.  We have had such a warm winter that things took off very quickly.  Usually I do not harvest tomatoes until mid-June, but this season I was able to start harvesting in late May. 

I will definitely grow the Anna Russian variety again.  The flavor is awesome and they are so juicy.  They make the best tomato sandwiches ever!”

Thanks for the terrific tips, Susan! That’s awesome info we can all use.

More about the Anna Russian tomato

This gorgeous heirloom oxheart tomato, from Oregon by way of Russia, matures early (70 days.) Normally Anna Russian weighs in around a pound, but Susan’s tomato surpassed that. Its fruit is pink-red and crack resistant.

(Get Anna Russian seeds here.)

A special thank you to our Tomato Masters June 2013 contestants

Thank you for your enthusiasm! We appreciate the time and effort you take to share your tomato successes with us and with other Tomato Dirt-ers. It is tremendous fun to see your photos and read about your tomatoes when you enter the competition. We look forward to seeing your next entries and being inspired. YOU make this competition a success.

Enter our next Tomato Masters competition!

Click here for the details on how to enter Tomato Masters. And may your tomato win!

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