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Taxi Tomato

by Katie
(New Castle County, Delaware)

Taxi is a yellow short-season determinate heirloom low-acid variety. It is a medium sized tomato, good for sandwiches, salads, or just alone. I like mine plain with a little salt.

We live in Delaware, and our soil is underlain by limestone so it has a high pH. For some reason, many tomato varieties we grew just did not taste like the tomatoes each of us had grown in other places - California, Wisconsin, Michigan. Taxi was the best tasting tomato we grew. It is hard to find. But I found some organic seed this year and look forward to seeing if it still tastes as good in my soil that is underlain by "blue rock" (blue granite).

Taxi is consistent, growing well in hot, dry or moist summers and in cooler dry or moist summers. We never had splitting or disease problems. The tomatoes are quite uniform in size.

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