Storing Dried Tomatoes in the Pantry, Refrigerator, or Freezer

Since 2010, Tomato Dirt has garnered 4.8+ million views, making it the web’s leading online source for growing tomatoes in the home garden. Award-winning writer and Tomato Dirt owner Kathy Widenhouse has helped thousands of home gardeners grow healthier tomatoes. Be one of them when you get Tomato Dirt’s Growing Guide here.

Storing dried tomatoes takes very little space, whether you keep them in the pantry, refrigerator, or freezer.

What to use to store dried tomatoes

  • Select airtight containers like zipped plastic freezer bags, jars, or plastic containers with tightly-fitting lids. Decorative jars work especially well.
  • Use the smallest possible container for the amount of prepared dried tomatoes. The less air exposure, the better.
  • When using zipped plastic freezer bags, squeeze out excess air before sealing. If possible, vacuum seal bags.

Where to store dried tomatoes

To store in the pantry or on a shelf

Place sealed containers in a cool, dry, dark place, maintained at about 60-70ºF. If completely moisture-free, dried tomatoes will keep flavor and texture for up to a year.

However, most dried tomatoes will have remnants of moisture that will permit mold to develop.

Tomato Dirt’s best recommendation: store dried tomatoes in refrigerator or freezer as a precaution.

To store in refrigerator or freezer

Seal tightly to prevent freezer burn. Label with date.

Dried tomatoes can be stored in the freezer or refrigerator and maintain flavor and texture for about 18 months.

Storing dried tomatoes in oil

Sun dried tomatoes served in oil are available commercially. However, you can make your own. Make batches as needed using dried tomatoes and oil (preferably olive oil).

  • Select a small jar with a tight-fitting lid. (Try these jars.) 
  • Dip dried tomatoes into white wine vinegar before placing in jar with oil to sharpen flavor, acidify oil, and to discourage bacteria and mold growth.
  • Fill jar with vinegar-dipped dried tomatoes. Add ¼ cup red wine as desired for flavor and to acidify tomatoes further, which reduces opportunities for bacteria growth.
  • Cover dried tomatoes in good quality olive oil. Add garlic and additional fresh herbs, such as basil and oregano (optional). If possible, seal jars. Refrigerate for 24 hours.
  • Store sealed jars in pantry. Store unsealed and opened jars in the refrigerator to prevent spoilage. Oil will solidify in the refrigerator but will reliquify quickly at room temperature.
  • Drain tomatoes before using in recipes. As tomatoes are removed and used, replenish oil in the jar to cover remaining tomatoes. Reserve oil (now flavored) to use in salad dressing or in sautéed dishes.
  • Tomatoes in oil without added garlic and herbs will keep several weeks in the refrigerator. If you add garlic or herbs, use tomatoes within a week to prevent spoilage. 

Get more tips on our Drying Tomatoes Pinterest board.

More on drying tomatoes 

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