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My tomatoes are wrinkly, and they aren't getting bigger??

by Carrie
(Ontario, Canada)

Q. Why are some of my tomatoes turning all wrinkly? They were fine a couple days ago. Also, the are beef tomatoes, but they aren't getting any bigger. Is something wrong with my plant? Thanks a lot. Love your site!

A. When a tomato's surface becomes disfigured, lumpy, or wrinkled, it's likely the victim of catfacing. Catfacing is caused by a drop in temperature when the tomato plant blooms or begins to set fruit. Low temperatures slow setting. Most catfaced tomatoes may look lumpy but it is still edible. Sometimes, however, the damage is severe and make it unusable.

Next season, you can help prevent catfacing by using row covers during the early part of the season to encourage warmer temperatures during flowering and fruiting.

Catfacing is most common in large tomatoes. So it makes sense that your Beef Tomato is affected! Cool temperatures may slow your tomatoes' growth. Make sure you have plants on a regular feeding and watering schedule to help maximum fruit development.

Good Luck and Happy Gardening!
Your friends at Tomato Dirt

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