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by Robyn
(Oberon, NSW, Australia)
I have never watched my tomatoes so much as this year. I have put my plant in a pot. Even put it in the sun room and it has grown beautifully although thin and tall. I have noticed it flowers, but then the flowers are dying off. Is this normal before the fruit forms or is something wrong? My plant has 3 sets of flowers, but they have discoloured and look like they are dying but no sign of fruit is showing yet.
Tomato Dirt responds ...
That your plants are thin and tall tells us that perhaps they are not getting enough sun. Often plants are leggy when they do not get enough light. Their branches are "reaching" for sun.
Blossoms die after they are fertilized and fruit forms. You will see a tiny little fruit in the center where the flower used to be. However, sometimes tomato plants experience blossom drop, even indoors. Flowers fall before they are fertilized, and no fruit forms. There are at least 5 reasons conditions that can lead to blossom drop in tomatoes.
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