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My March Madness !!!

by Tomato Guy
(Lake Wylie, SC)

To be honest, I love college basketball. But this is also My March Madness! During the time outs in all the games yesterday I transplanted almost 100 tomatoes. Better Boys, Yellow Pear, Jet Star, Roma, Giant Roma, Juliet, Big Zack, Sweet 100, Champion 2, and a few I forgot.
So far, not ONE dampening off issue.

Good luck to everyone's garden this year.
Go UNC Tarheels !!!!!!!!

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May 14, 2014
Beer cups?
by: Anonymous

Hi there fellow gardener,
Nice use of the commercials time!
Looks like plastic beer cups in your pic? What a great idea, I've been trying to come up with pots not too wide but deep enough to transplant into and get more roots going from the stems, and they would be great. I am pretty cheap and keep all my pots when I buy annuals, but I'm pretty sure we have some cups still from our wedding.

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