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Little eaten spots on tomato

Q. I have a large Brandywine tomato plant. Most of the fruits have big spots in them that look like an animal ate them. Could this be mice, or would it be birds -- or, is there a flesh-eating tomato disease?

Tomato Dirt responds ...
A. The culprit could be squirrels, rabbits, chipmunks, mice, rats, moles, voles, or birds.

One of the best deterrents is an animal repellent called PlantSkydd Repellent. It is available as both ready-to-use or in a shaker container. PlantSkydd is non-toxic. It is made with predator phermones and actually keeps the critters from even entering your garden. Apply it every 3-4 months during the growing season or after a heavy rain.

If you strongly suspect squirrels, apply squirrel repellent.

Don't rule out birds, either -- one of the most guilty groups of tomato feasters. Birds often eat tomatoes because they're thirsty. Keep them away with a bird bath. You can also drape tomato plants with bird netting.

To our knowledge, there is no flesh-eating tomato disease. But stranger things have happened.

Good luck and happy gardening!
Your friends at Tomato Dirt

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