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How to Drill Holes for Planting Tomatoes

by Jim Sposato
(Evansville, AR)

When I plant tomatoes, I use a drill with a bit that's designated for planting bulbs. I run a string across the garden to mark the row. Then, every 10 to 12 inches, I drill holes in the soil.

After drilling, I place a tomato plant in each hole.

Tomato Dirt comment
Great tip! Cultivate the soil before "drilling" and add compost for best results.

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Jul 14, 2017
Drilling holes
by: Nige

Regarding drilling holes for your tomato plants, you only plant 10-12 inches apart? Does that not get too crowded as they grow? Please, if you have a secret way of pruning I would love to know it. I have to plant my seedlings at least 24-30 inches apart due to the bushing out. I do agree that growing tomatoes deep does allow the roots to reach the moisture better than the trough method. I grow heirlooms, what kind do you grow?

Aug 19, 2015
Newspapers & grass
by: Anonymous

After I plant my tomatoes, I lay black & white newspaper pages around each plant. I then put grass clippings around each tomato. Does a great job of keeping weeds down.

Aug 06, 2015
Drilling hole to plant veggies.
by: Jim Sposato

I've done it this way for a few years, now and I have expanded it to all plants that come in growing pots.

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