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How I harvest my tomato seeds

by Hank Alvarez
(Corona, California)

I grow only heirloom tomatoes that my wife and I like: Black Prince, Big Rainbows, Brandywines, Cherokee Purples, Lemon Boys, Romas and red and yellow cherries.

My wife spoons out the seeds onto a paper plate or paper towel. I separate the coating from the seeds by gently rubbing them against a soft dry paper towel. Then I put them on another dry paper towel or paper plate and dry them for a week or so.

She bought me some little metal canisters (I think they're aluminum) which I mark with a Sharpie as to which variety they are. I store the seeds in these canisters until next year. I harvest, dry and store all my seeds this way, including peppers, and it seems to work well without any problems. I'll try your method and compare the results of germination next year.

Tomato Dirt comment
Thanks so much for sharing what works for you! Now other gardeners will be able to benefit from your experience saving tomato seeds.

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