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How can I get rid of funguses in the soil?

by Ryan
(Pflugerville, TX)

Q. I have 2 tomato plants from last year that I saved. They where doing well, but we had a wet winter. The water drained away from the base of the tomatoes. But recently, I noticed that the tomato plants started to get yellow leaves, then brown. Then they dropped the green leaves. The plants never got better so I pulled them up.

After studying them, I believe the plants contracted either fusarium wilt or verticillium wilt.

Here is my question: will it spread? How can I get rid of these two funguses?

A. To date, there is no chemical treatment available for fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt.

  • Destroy infected plants immediately.
  • To slow the diseases, keep soil pH between 6.5 and 7.0 and use a nitrate-based nitrogen fertilizer rather than an ammonia-based nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Avoid planting other Solanaceous crops (potato, pepper, and eggplant) in the same area, too – they are susceptible to the fungus.
  • At the end of the season, set dry leaves or straw on affected area. Burn to kill fungus in the soil.
  • Rotate crops.

Learn more here:
Fusarium wilt
Verticillium wilt

Good luck and happy gardening!
Your friends at Tomato Dirt

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Oct 28, 2015
reply NEW
by: Bachi

It is a good question. Many of the tomato planters are facing the issue of fungus in soil. You can make use of bleaching powder to get rid of soil fungus, but beware that the PH of the soil will change with this. magnetic ball toys

Jul 01, 2015
Try the Worms!! NEW
by: Martha Stewart

The best way is to put some worms in the soil. Worms are actually good for the crops. But listen to this that only some of the worms assisted living nj are good. These worms eat up the fungus and save the plants.

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