Hanging Tomatoes: the Best Tomato Varieties for Baskets

Since 2010, Tomato Dirt has garnered 4.8+ million views, making it the web’s leading online source for growing tomatoes in the home garden. Award-winning writer and Tomato Dirt owner Kathy Widenhouse has helped thousands of home gardeners grow healthier tomatoes. Be one of them when you get Tomato Dirt’s Growing Guide here.

Updated 12.21.23

For baskets, choose hanging tomatoes with shallow root systems. Seedlings won’t need staking – foliage tumbles and sprawls over basket sides.

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Heirloom Tomato Varieties for Hanging Baskets

Baxter’s Early Bush Cherry Tomato
Heirloom, determinate, 72 days, red, cherry (1 ½” round)
Matures 7-10 days earlier than most other cherry tomato varieties. They’re known to be prolific producers even if conditions aren’t perfect. Taste is typical sweet/tart tomato flavor. Fruit resists splitting and keeps well after picking.

Whippersnapper Tomato
Heirloom, determinate, 52 days, pink/red, cherry (1 inch)
Yields clusters of 5-18 fruit. Whippersnapper grows well in containers, pots, and baskets.

Hybrid Tomato Varieties for Hanging Baskets

Floragold Basket Tomato
Hybrid, determinate, 55 days, yellow/orange, cherry
Developed for containers and baskets. Floragold Basket’s early maturation also makes it suitable for growing indoors.

Florida Basket
Hybrid, determinate, 70 days, red, plum-shaped (2 inches), resistance: gray leaf spot
Developed at the University of Florida specifically for hanging baskets

Micro Tom Tomato
Hybrid, determinate, 85-88 days, red, dwarf cherry (1/4 inch)
Micro Tom is an unusually small tomato plant developed at the University of Florida’s breeding program. Micro Toms can even be grown successfully in 4” pots! The average 6” plant produces a couple of dozen tomatoes. Great for kids!

Tumbling Tom Tomato
Hybrid, determinate, 70 days, red, cherry (1-2 inches) or yellow
Can grow in smaller hanging baskets even just 10” diameter.

Open Pollinated Tomato Varieties for Hanging Baskets

Red Robin Tomato
OP (open pollinated), determinate, 55 days, dwarf cherry (1 ¼ inches)
Can flourish with less light than other varieties. Fruit is sweet with a “real” tomato taste that’s sometimes missing in cherry tomatoes.

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