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Yes, you can zap fresh tomatoes to sun dried! But when you dry tomatoes with microwave technology, there are some quirks.
Using a microwave to make dried tomatoes is considered to be the most unreliable drying method. If you’re aware of what to expect and what to do, you can still have success.
No matter what method you use, drying tomatoes requires two things: consistent heat and air circulation.
Both are tricky but not impossible to achieve in a microwave. Have patience and practice with a few batches to find out what works best in your microwave.
It’s difficult to measure heat in a microwave because the air in the oven isn’t heated – the food is. Plus, in a microwave, heat isn’t conducted through the food as it is in a traditional oven. Instead, microwaves penetrate the entire piece of food. Water, fats, and sugars in the food absorb microwaves. Their atoms “get excited,” creating heat, which cooks the food.
In other words, when you dry tomatoes in a microwave oven, you heat them from the inside out (rather than the outside in, which happens with other drying methods). Naturally, thick pieces of food take longer than thin ones. If cooked on high power levels too fast, tomatoes, particularly their edges, can burn in the microwave. They also can boil, leaving you a gooey mess.
The solution for drying tomatoes in a microwave oven is to use a very low power level, cook them for long periods, and turn them regularly – no matter how tempting it may be to zap them on “High” and leave them alone. But monitoring tomatoes is not that much of a chore. If you plan well, you can combine drying tomatoes in the microwave while doing other kitchen tasks, and you won’t notice any inconvenience.
Tomatoes that are dried flat on a paper towel or plate in the microwave don’t fare well. Allow air circulation by using a microwave bacon rack or similar microwave-safe cooking tray with ribs.
More on drying tomatoes
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Making sun dried tomatoes: a primer ...
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Storing dried tomatoes in the pantry, refrigerator, freezer ...
Drying tomatoes FAQs: answers to your questions ...
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