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Don't over-fertilise tomatoes! Here's a good feeding schedule

by Allan
(New Zealand)

My tip for growing tomatoes is to use a good fertilisation plan.

First, use a good, balanced fertiliser during pre-planting, working it into the soil just as you would for planting potatoes.

Then, I don't apply any more fertiliser until tomatoes begin to ripen. At that point, I use a little 0-5-5 - no nitrogen - once only. This is where I believe it's easy to make a mistake. By fertilising too often, tomatoes get too much nitrogen, hence too much top leaf growth.

One more thing: gypsum is a great soil conditioner for tomatoes. It contains calcium and sulphur which keeps your growing medium from packing down.

Tomato Dirt footnote:
Great points from Allan! You may want to consider two of the most respected tomato fertilizers out there for your second application: Tomato-tone Organic Fertilizer and Miracle-Gro Tomato Plant Food .

Comments for Don't over-fertilise tomatoes! Here's a good feeding schedule

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Aug 29, 2015
by: David

This tips are very helpful for the farmers. Its a must read post for all the farmers.

Jun 17, 2015
mildew prevention
by: allan

hi, another thing i have found to eliminate mildew is puff spray your tomatoes and cucumbers with copper oxycloride weekly preferably morning if a sunny day is on the cards, under the leaves also.tomatoes are finished in new zealand, its been a good year in the tunnel house mainly due to this practice.

Mar 05, 2015
by: Ambrose

Thanks a lot for providing these feeding schedule. As according to the schedule I feel I was over feeding them with the fertilizers. That is why they show some stunted growth and bad tomatoes. Now it is time to replant everything.

Jul 29, 2013
over fertilising
by: allan

what convinced me,not to over fert was just after planting his tomatoes my neibour went to hospital and i watered them untill he came home, they were just ripening and i was instructed to fert one more time with 0 5 5 n p h and they turned out beautiful.

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