How to Choose the Most Disease Resistant Tomatoes for Your Garden

Since 2010, Tomato Dirt has garnered 4.8+ million views, making it the web’s leading online source for growing tomatoes in the home garden. Award-winning writer and Tomato Dirt owner Kathy Widenhouse has helped thousands of home gardeners grow healthier tomatoes. Be one of them when you get Tomato Dirt’s Growing Guide here.

Updated 3.4.25

Black spots appear on your tomato plant leaves. Dread burns in your belly. Why didn’t you plan disease resistant tomatoes?

How to choose disease-resistant tomatoes for your garden with Tomato Dirt #homegardening #GardeningTips

What are disease resistant tomatoes?

Disease resistant tomatoes are varieties bred to withstand common tomato diseases like blight, wilt, and viruses. They're labeled with codes.

The large majority of disease resistant tomato varieties are hybrids, meaning they are intentionally bred by crossing two different parent plants to enhance traits like disease resistance, yield, and fruit quality. (Heirloom tomatoes, on the other hand, have been reproduced for generations without cross breeding.)

Why should you plant disease resistant tomatoes?

If the black spots on your tomato leaves, stems and fruit aren’t enough, then consider this: Planting disease-resistant tomatoes helps ensure a healthier, more productive crop with less effort, leading to …

Higher yields

Since disease-resistant varieties can withstand common tomato diseases, they’re less likely to suffer from stunted growth, leaf drop, or fruit loss. This means more tomatoes for you to harvest!

Less need for chemicals

Many tomato diseases require fungicides or other treatments to manage. Disease-resistant tomatoes reduce or eliminate the need for these, making your garden more eco-friendly and lower maintenance.

Less time and effort

Instead of constantly monitoring for disease symptoms and applying treatments, you can focus on other aspects of gardening, like pruning, staking, and harvesting.

Better quality tomatoes

Diseased plants often produce smaller, misshapen, or spotty fruit. Resistant varieties maintain fruit quality, giving you tastier and more visually appealing tomatoes.

Longer growing season

Some diseases, like early blight or fusarium wilt, can take down plants mid-season. Resistant varieties keep producing for a longer time, extending your harvest window.

Success in challenging climates

If you live in a humid or rainy region where fungal diseases thrive, or an area with soilborne diseases, resistant varieties give you a better chance of success.

A quick history of disease resistant tomatoes

Fighting disease in the tomato patch is not new. Hybrid tomatoes took hold in the late 1800s, but breeders have has dramatically changed tomato cultivation since the mid-1900s. Today, hybridization makes tomatoes and tomato production more sustainable and resistant to the diseases that once devastated crops.

  • 1950s-1960s: Fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt were among the first targets for breeders. Varieties with natural resistance to these diseases began appearing as hybrids, such as "Better Boy" and "Health Kick."
  • 1970s: Breeders began isolating specific resistance genes for tomato diseases, especially early blight and late blight. These two fungal diseases were wreaking havoc on tomato crops in many parts of the world. Hybrid tomatoes with resistance to verticillium wilt (V) and fusarium wilt (F) led to stronger, more reliable varieties for farmers. This marked a turning point in producing tomatoes that could withstand common soil-borne diseases.
  • 1980s-1990s: Resistance to Tomato Mosaic Virus (TMV) and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) were bred into tomatoes. "Big Beef" and other hybrids with broader disease resistance marked the trend toward breeding tomatoes that were resistant to multiple diseases, including nematodes and blight.
  • 2000s-present: Modern breeders have made great strides in creating disease-resistant heirloom varieties. While heirlooms are traditionally known for their flavor and genetic diversity, new hybrids like "Resilience" and "Defiant PHR" were bred with resistance to common diseases while still maintaining the classic taste and texture.
3 tips for choosing disease resistant tomatoes with Tomato Dirt #HomeGarden #GrowTomatoes #GardeningTips

How do you choose disease resistant tomatoes that are right for you?

Now, to the nitty gritty. Experts estimate there are 25,000 or more tomato varieties. It would seem you need a degree in agriculture science to choose which ones to plant in your garden. How do you know which tomato varieties are most disease resistant (particularly for your area) so you can grow them?

Great question. There’s not a universal answer. But there’s a way you can find out.

Here’s the dirt: a type of tomato that flourishes for you in your garden maybe a bust for your cousin two states away. That’s because different climates (even those with slight variations in temperature, rainfall, and air quality) and different soils produce different growing patterns from the same tomato variety.

Take these steps to find out which tomatoes to plant – the most disease resistant tomatoes for your area that will thrive best where you live.

Step 1. Understand your region’s vulnerabilities

The first step is to find out which tomato diseases are most common in your area. Ask local nursery owners, post a question on a local master gardener forum, or call your extension office to learn which tomato diseases are most often documented by local gardeners.

While you’re at it, you can also ask them which varieties stay the healthiest in local gardens. But be forewarned: local garden center employees may not know which tomato varieties are resistant to most prevalent local diseases, even though they often hear from customers about the problems faced most often in local gardens. Don’t let that discourage you. Extension workers will have a better idea about what varieties you should choose.

Plus, your main goal is to find out what problems you’re most likely to face. That information will equip you to choose what variety to grow from the thousands which are available. For instance, humid areas in the southeast U.S. are a breeding ground for early blight and Septoria leaf spot – a fact that nursery workers are likely to know, even if they don’t know which tomato varieties are resistant to those diseases. When you know what diseases you should intentionally avoid, you can choose varieties to do so.

Check labels for disease resistant tomato varieties with Tomato Dirt

Step 2. Understand disease resistant codes

When a cultivar has been developed that is tested and confirmed to be resistant to a particular disease, it is given a designated letter (after its variety name) donating that disease.

Multiple letters after a tomato variety name indicate that that type of tomato is resistant to more disease (all those indicated by the letters listed.) So the disease resistance codes are a helpful tools in your hunt for disease resistant tomatoes for your garden.

An example

Tomato variety Abe Lincoln Improved is labeled with letters VFNASt. Following the tomato disease resistance code listed here, those letters indicate that it is been bred to be resistant to verticillium wilt, fursarium wilt, nematodes, Alternaria, and Stemphylium (gray leaf spot).

Tomato disease resistance codes
V Verticillium Wilt
F Fusarium Wilt
FF Fusarium, races 1 and 2
FFF Fusarium, races 1, 2, and 3
N Nematodes
A Alternaria
T Tobacco Mosaic Virus
St Stemphylium (Gray Leaf Spot)
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Keep in mind that a tomato’s resistance label is simply an indicator. How the variety performs will depend on several different factors, including its environment, rainfall, soil content, and care.

Step 3: Use an information bank

Once you know what tomato diseases are especially prevalent in your area and how those diseases are notated, you’re ready to find out which tomato varieties are going to work for you. Look in an information bank which lists tomato diseases and corresponding tomato varieties that are resistant to those diseases.

Cornell University’s Vegetable Resources for Commercial Growers offers one of the most comprehensive Tomato Disease Resistance tables out there. Cornell also offers a citizen's science program you can use to ask for specific recommendations for your local area,

Let's look at an example. If yellow leaf curl virus is a common problem for tomatoes in your area, you can refer to the chart, make a list of varieties which demonstrate a resistance to that disease, and choose varieties that fit your parameters.


Use a tomato disease resistance chart

Here’s the quick and dirty chart for understanding tomato disease resistant codes.

V Verticillium Wilt
F Fusarium Wilt
FF Fusarium, races 1 and 2
FFF Fusarium, races 1, 2, and 3
N Nematodes
A Alternaria
T Tobacco Mosaic Virus
St Stemphylium (Gray Leaf Spot)
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus

Disease resistant tomatoes: FAQs

Tomato Growing Tip 107: the 2 most disease resistant tomatoes with Tomato Dirt #HomeGarden #GardeningTips #GrowTomatoes #VegetableGarden

What are the most disease resistant tomatoes?

Here’s a short list of some of the most disease-resistant tomato varieties:

Hybrid varieties (highly resistant)

  • Defiant PhR – Resistant to late blight, early blight, and verticillium wilt.
  • Mountain Merit – Strong resistance to late blight, fusarium wilt, and nematodes.
  • Iron Lady – One of the few varieties resistant to late blight, early blight, and septoria leaf spot.
  • Celebrity – Disease-resistant and widely adaptable, resistant to verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and nematodes.
  • Big Beef – A flavorful beefsteak variety with resistance to verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and nematodes.

Heirloom tomato varieties with some resistance

  • Brandywise – A cross between Brandywine and a disease-resistant parent, offering better resistance to blight and fungal diseases.
  • Jasper (Cherry Tomato) – Highly resistant to early blight, late blight, and septoria leaf spot.
  • Damsel – A pink slicer with resistance to late blight, verticillium wilt, and fusarium wilt.

What tomatoes are resistant to wilt?

To identify wilt resistance in tomato varieties, look for these disease resistance codes on seed packets or plant tags:

Best wilt resistant tomato varieties

  • Celebrity (Hybrid) – Resistant to both verticillium wilt (V) and fusarium wilt (F1, F2).
  • Big Beef (Hybrid) – Strong resistance to verticillium wilt (V) and fusarium wilt (F1, F2).
  • Defiant PhR (Hybrid) – Resistant to verticillium wilt (V) and fusarium wilt (F1).
  • Mountain Fresh Plus (Hybrid) – Resistant to fusarium wilt (F1, F2) and verticillium wilt (V).
  • Amelia (Hybrid) – Strong resistance to fusarium wilt (F1, F2, F3) and verticillium wilt (V).
  • Iron Lady (Hybrid) – Resistant to verticillium wilt (V) and fusarium wilt (F1, F2), plus blight and septoria.
  • Roma VF (Hybrid) – A widely available paste tomato with resistance to verticillium wilt (V) and fusarium wilt (F1).
  • Juliet (Grape Tomato, Hybrid) – Resistant to fusarium wilt (F1, F2) and verticillium wilt (V).

What are the best nematode resistant tomatoes?

To identify tomato varieties that are highly resistant to nematodes (microscopic worms that attack plant roots), look for varieties labeled with N (nematode resistance).

Best nematode-resistant tomato varieties

  • Celebrity (Hybrid) – Resistant to nematodes (N), fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt, and more.
  • Big Beef (Hybrid) – Strong resistance to nematodes (N), fusarium wilt, and verticillium wilt.
  •  (Hybrid) – Resistant to nematodes (N) and other common tomato diseases.
  • Amelia (Hybrid) – Has nematode (N) resistance plus resistance to multiple wilts.
  • Crista (Hybrid) – Very strong resistance to nematodes (N), fusarium, and verticillium.
  • Solar Fire (Hybrid) – A heat-tolerant variety that resists nematodes (N).
  • Juliet (Grape Tomato, Hybrid) – A highly disease-resistant grape tomato with nematode (N) resistance.
  • Roma VFNT (Hybrid Paste Tomato) – One of the few paste varieties resistant to nematodes (N), as well as verticillium, fusarium, and tobacco mosaic virus.

Which tomatoes are resistant to early blight?

Early blight resistance is not always listed with a specific letter, some catalogs will indicate it directly with a B. Here are some tomatoes that are specifically bred to resist early blight.

  • Iron Lady (Hybrid) – One of the few tomatoes resistant to early blight (EB), late blight, and septoria leaf spot.
  • Defiant PhR (Hybrid) – Strong resistance to early blight, late blight, and verticillium wilt.
  • Mountain Merit (Hybrid) – Resistant to early blight, late blight, fusarium, and nematodes.
  • Mountain Magic (Hybrid) – Offers resistance to early blight, late blight, and verticillium wilt.
  • Jasper (Cherry Tomato, Hybrid) – High resistance to early blight, late blight, and septoria leaf spot.
  • Mountain Fresh Plus (Hybrid) – Resistant to early blight and verticillium wilt.
  • Damsel (Hybrid) – A pink slicing tomato with early blight and late blight resistance.
  • Plum Regal (Paste Tomato, Hybrid) – One of the best paste tomatoes resistant to early blight and late blight.

What are the most TSWV resistant tomato varieties?

If you need tomato varieties that are highly resistant to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV), look for those labeled with TSWV resistance on seed packets or plant tags. Some seed companies also label them as "Spotted Wilt Resistant."

Most TSWV resistant tomato varieties

  • Amelia (Hybrid) – One of the best TSWV-resistant varieties, also resistant to fusarium, verticillium, and nematodes.
  • Red Bounty (Hybrid) – Strong TSWV resistance, plus resistance to multiple wilts.
  • Crista (Hybrid) – Resistant to TSWV, nematodes, fusarium, and verticillium wilt.
  • BHN 640 (Hybrid) – A commercial variety known for TSWV resistance and excellent fruit quality.
  • BHN 444 (Hybrid) – Highly TSWV-resistant, with additional resistance to nematodes and fusarium wilt.
  • Talladega (Hybrid) – Good TSWV resistance, along with strong disease resistance to fusarium and verticillium wilt.
  • Southern Ripe (Hybrid) – Developed for TSWV resistance, particularly useful in the southeastern U.S.
  • Tycoon (Hybrid) – Popular in Texas, with TSWV resistance, nematode resistance, and strong heat tolerance.

And now, some of our readers’ favorites …

Are Celebrity tomatoes disease resistant?

Yes! Celebrity tomatoes are known for their strong disease resistance, making them a great choice for home gardeners.

Celebrity tomatoes are resistant to:
V – Verticillium wilt
F1, F2 – Fusarium wilt (races 1 & 2)
N – Nematodes
T – Tobacco mosaic virus
ASC – Some resistance to Alternaria stem canker

While Celebrity tomatoes are not officially resistant to early or late blight, they are known to tolerate these diseases better than many other varieties, especially with good gardening practices.

Are Rutgers tomatoes disease resistant?

Rutgers tomatoes offer no resistance to verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F), nematodes (N), or tobacco mosaic virus (T). They’ve got some tolerance to cracking, catfacing, and leaf diseases under good conditions.

If you love the Rutgers flavor but need disease resistance, consider growing ...

  • Rutgers Improved (Hybrid) – Similar taste but better disease resistance.
  • Celebrity (Hybrid) – More disease resistance with a similar size and flavor.
Sungold tomatoes

Are Sungold tomatoes disease resistant?

Yes! Sungold tomatoes have moderate disease resistance, making them a reliable choice for home gardeners, including …
V – Verticillium wilt
F1 – Fusarium wilt (race 1)
T – Tobacco mosaic virus

While Sungold is resistant to some soil-borne diseases, it is not resistant to nematodes, early blight, or late blight.

Are Roma tomatoes disease resistant?

Yes! Roma tomatoes are known for their good disease resistance, especially compared to many heirloom varieties. However, their resistance level depends on whether you choose an heirloom Roma or a hybrid Roma variety bred for even stronger resistance to …

V – Verticillium wilt
F1, F2 – Fusarium wilt (races 1 & 2)
… but no resistance to nematodes (N) or early or late blight

If you want stronger resistance, consider growingthese hybrid Roma tomatoes:

  • Plum Regal (Hybrid) – Resistant to early blight, late blight, and fusarium wilt.
  • Granadero (Hybrid) – Excellent blight resistance, plus verticillium and fusarium resistance.
  • Viva Italia (Hybrid) – Strong resistance to fusarium, verticillium, and nematodes.

Are Brandywine tomatoes disease resistant?

Nope. While Brandywine tomatoes are beloved for their delicious, heirloom flavor, they are more prone to certain tomato diseases, including verticillium wilt (V), fusarium wilt (F), nematodes (N), and early or late blight.

If you're looking for heirloom tomato varieties that are more disease-resistant than Brandywine, try …

  • Cherokee Purple – Moderate resistance to verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt.
  • Black Krim - Moderate resistance to verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt.
  • Green Zebra - Resistant to early blight and late blight.
  • Stupice - Resistant to early blight, late blight, and fusarium wilt.
  • San Marzano – Resistant to fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt.
  • Brandywine Pink - Better resistance to verticillium wilt and fusarium wilt than the classic Brandywine.
  • Azoychka - Resistant to fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt.
  • Iron Lady –Resistant to late blight, early blight, and Septoria leaf spot.
  • Legend – Some resistance to late blight
  • Matt’s Wild Cherry – Resistant to early blight.

Make the best choice you can

Choosing a tomato variety to grow is not a one-size-fits-all matter. Nor is there the “perfect” tomato that meets the needs of every gardener.

Plenty of factors weigh in. Which varieties you choose depends on your soil, your weather, your ability to monitor your plants, and the conditions where you live. Further, you may strongly prefer the flavor or texture of a particular variety that they are willing to risk disease for the chance to grow, harvest, and enjoy your favorite delicious tomatoes. 

But no matter what tomato varieties you choose, remember this: with diligent care, you can grow luscious, healthy fruit. And you can try different varieties next year.

More on disease resistant tomatoes 

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