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Coffee grounds are fantastic for tomatoes

by Amber
(Mobile, AL)

This is our first real attempt at growing a garden. I skimmed an article that said to use coffee grounds. So, I've been putting out our daily coffee grounds plus some from my husband's office around each of the plants, at least once per week. The plants are huge, with plenty of fruits. I don't know if the grounds have something to do with it, but they certainly haven't hurt the growing process.

Thanks for this site,


Tomato Dirt responds:
Glad to hear coffee grounds are working for your tomato plants!

Many gardeners have had similar success, even though the jury is still out on whether or not used coffee grounds are a magic bullet in the garden. Nevertheless they're often used on acid-loving plants like azaleas, rhododendrons, blueberries ... and tomatoes.

Be careful, however, not to overload tomatoes with too many coffee grounds. Tomatoes like slightly acidic soil, not overly-acidic soil. Used coffee grounds have a pH of about 6.8.

If in doubt, throw them on the compost pile! There's no question that nutrients are released during composting as organic matter breaks down.

But if you want to try out used coffee grounds directly in the garden, pop them into the microwave to dry them out first. This makes them easier to spread. Then scratch grounds into the soil surface around plants.

Coffee grounds contain nitrogen, potassium, potassium, magnesium, copper, and other trace minerals.

They also have a reputation for repelling ants and slugs.

Thanks for sharing your experience with our readers!

Happy gardening!
Your friends at Tomato Dirt.

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Apr 04, 2018
Curling leaves
by: Kathy

Connie, curling leaves are likely not from coffee grounds, but rather herbicide. Check to see if there's been any drift from your yard applications or from your neighbors. Good luck!

Apr 04, 2018
Cranberry OK!
by: Kathy

Flavored coffee grounds are OK!

Aug 23, 2017
Grounds from flavored coffee
by: Karen

Are they okay to use on tomato plants? The ones I have right now are cranberry.

Jul 23, 2017
Tomatoes and coffee grounds
by: ConnieAnonymous

My tomato plants are also in raised bed with the same mix as below (peat moss, organic compost, vermiculite). I added coffee grounds a week ago and the leaves are curling and are dry. I'm afraid I'm losing them. What am I doing wrong? Can they be saved?

Apr 30, 2017
Wrong story on Coffee Grounds
by: Anonymous

I read a lot of articles saying that coffee grounds are good for the garden; but be careful that you don't make the garden too acidic. This is total crap. Coffee grounds have a ph of around 6.8. You could burry your tomatoe plants in 100% pure coffee grounds and they wouldn't know the difference. More coffee grounds can't lower your ph below 6.8. If you put your plants in total coffee grounds; the ph could be no different than 6.8. It's common sense.

Learn to use it!

Rich T.

May 24, 2015
Coffee grounds in high peat moss soil?
by: Anonymous

My tomatoes are in raised beds. The soil in the beds is 1/3 pea
t moss, 1/3 coarse vermiculite, and 1/3 composted manure (homemade Mel's mix). I usually toss my coffee grounds in the compost. My room mate has been saving grounds separately since she heard they are good for tomatoes. My concern is that with all that peat already present, coffee grounds would make the soil too acidic. What do you think? The tomatoes seem fine now, they have only been in the soil a couple of weeks or so as it's still early (May 24th).

Jun 29, 2014
Coffee grounds
by: Anonymous

I use them in the garden too feed the worms. Which loosens the soil. So nutrients can get to the roots.

May 23, 2012
regular or
by: Anonymous

Decaf ! nice idea,

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