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Candyland: this current tomato thrives in hanging baskets

by Tamra
(Calgary, AB, Canada)

The first time I got a Candyland plant from a nursery I wasn’t familiar with it. The vine seemed to be growing horizontally so I took a chance and put it in a medium-sized hanging planter. It did very well and the tiny tomatoes hung in clumps off the side of the pot, making it very easy to harvest a handful at a time.

I’ve since learned that this plant is normally grown as a staked indeterminate but it does really work well as a hanging variety. It doesn’t quite fill out the pot like a Tumbling Tom but it did bush out nicely. We got bowls and bowls of tomatoes from one plant, though we live in zone 3, and they were absolutely delicious with a very deep, rich flavour. It produced for weeks. The fruits are very tiny — we call them tomaisins and eat them like candy.

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