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Bucks County is absolutely my favorite

by Wendy
(Brainerd, MN)

I am looking or a certain tomato seed. It is called Bucks County Tomato. I have grown it for a few years and now I cannot find the seeds anywhere. Can you help me find the seeds? These tomatoes are absolutely my favorites.

Dear Wendy,

Organic Gardening magazine voted Bucks County Tomato
iconas best new variety in 1999, so you're not the only one who is passionate about this tomato!

Breeders at Burpee Gardening developed Bucks County Tomato from the Red Brandywine heirloom. In the process, they boosted Red Brandywine's yields, accelerated its maturity time, and tweaked its shape to create the new hybrid.

Bucks County Tomato was originally introduced as Red Brandywine Hybrid, so it's no wonder you may face some confusion in tracking it down.

Bucks County Tomato
Hybrid, indeterminate, 74 days, globe (8-12 ounces), resistance: good

Burpee offers Bucks County Tomato

Happy Gardening!
Your friends at Tomato Dirt

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Feb 23, 2020
Can’t find Bucks County Tomato Seeds
by: Sally

Burpee says the Bucks County Tomato seeds are out of stock as of 2/26/2020. And they don’t list the plants at all. Does anyone know what happened? These are my go to tomatoes year after year.

Jan 24, 2020
Buck's County tomato
by: SherlockianOne

Apparently Burpee no longer offers seeds for this tomato plant, according to a friend enamored by them.

Doe anyone know where seeds can be found?

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