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Better Boy Tomato

by Roy Willmond
(Park Hill, OK, USA)

Better Boy Tomato produces more than other varieties. This is especially true when soil and water are right.

I've grown this variety with well water or rain water only, using soil straight from virgin forest that's full of mycorrhiza (fungus that colonizes plant's root systems.) And we all know what can happen when fungus attacks tomato plants, yet Better Boy keeps on ticking.

If grown in a container, Better Boy's root system will be so thick you will have to use knife or ax to cut roots out at the end of the season. You cannot pull them out.

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Jan 20, 2017
by: Bobby

I grew Better Boy the last five years. It can't be beaten. I had 81 pounds of tomatoes from one plant. The plant kept growing until November 23. Great tomato taste and nice size, mainly about 3/4 of a pound to a pound. This year I will plant mostly Betty Boy. I had my soil ready in the fall. Holes are already dug. I can't wait. Last year, my largest tomato was 38.6 ounces.

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