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Best Tomatoes for Windy Areas?

by Krista

I have a lovely rooftop garden where I grow veggies and herbs in two 15' x 3' x 3' containers. During my first year, I found the South Carolina coastal winds to be a problem for my tomatoes. The force of the wind banged my branches against their cage, causing splitting and bruising. The leaves and the fruit appeared somewhat shriveled and stunted. I tried the ready-made cages, as well as building wire trellises.

Can anyone suggest a wind-resistant variety of tomatoes I could try? I have nothing but shade on the ground level, so that's not an option.

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Mar 25, 2022
Growing Tomatoes in Windy Areas
by: stevieboombatz

Just moved to Port O'Connor Tx. It's crazy windy where we are on the Intercoastal Waterway. I have two garden boxes about 5' x 20' x 18" deep. Just finished planting my first garden with lots of different tomatoes, mostly indeterminate types. I'm trying for my first time, the "Florida Weave". There are solid stakes at each end with one in the middle. I ran a line from end-to-end and weaving the line on alternating sides of each plant. As the plants grower higher, we add another line every 6" higher or so, depending how windy it is. My fingers are crossed on my first tomato garden season in windy POC. Any advice would be appreciated. Btw, I typically view lots of YouTube videos on DIY stuff but there's not a lot out there on this topic.

Aug 21, 2020

by: Kathryn


Try bush tomato varieties. They don't get tall and you can protect them. Plus, they do well in raised beds and containers.

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