Since 2010, Tomato Dirt has garnered 4.8+ million views, making it the web’s leading online source for growing tomatoes in the home garden. Award-winning writer and Tomato Dirt owner Kathy Widenhouse has helped thousands of home gardeners grow healthier tomatoes. Be one of them when you get Tomato Dirt’s Growing Guide here.
Updated 12.21.23
All-America Selections launched in 1932 as a way for home gardeners to learn which new varieties of flowers and vegetables are most superior.
Seed companies set up trial grounds to test new varieties. Each year, impartial judges independently evaluate seed varieties.
Beginning in 1984, the awards system was simplified to two types: the AAS Gold Medal Award (reserved for a breeding breakthrough) and AAS Award Winners (recognition for a cultivar superior to others on the market.)
To be considered, seeds must be new, unsold cultivars.
(Resistance code definitions listed below)
2023 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Zenzei
Early, high-yielding Roma
2022 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Pink Delicious
High-yielding, high Brix rated sweet pink beefsteak
2022 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Purple Zebra
Dark red fruit with green stripes. High disease resistance to ToMV, Verticillium Wilt Va/Vd, Fusarium Wilt Race 1, Leaf Mold A-E, Late Blight PH2/PH3, and intermediate resistance to TYLCV and TSWV
2022 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Sunset Torch
Orange cherry tomato with dramatic striping. High disease resistance to ToMV, Verticillium Wilt Va/Vd, Fusarium Wilt Races 1 and 2 and intermediate resistance to TYLCV and TSWV
2022 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Apple Yellow
Apple-shaped, indeterminate that produces abundant non-splitting, long-holding, uniformly shaped tomatoes
2020 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Buffalosun
Indeterminate with unique yellow with red/orange flame coloration. Good resistance to late blight
2020 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Celano
Patio-type grape tomato, good late blight tolerance
2020 Vegetable Winner
Tomato Chef's Choice Bicolor
Indeterminate bicolor 7-8 ounce flattened beefsteak fruits with beautiful pinkish-red internal stripes within a yellow flesh
2011 All-America Selections Award Winner
Terenzo Tomato
Hybrid, determinate, 56 days, red, cherry/trailing (3/4 ounce), resistance: cracking
2011 All-America Selections Award Winner
Lizzano Tomato
Hybrid, semi-determinate, 63 days, cherry/trailing (1 inch), resistance: late blight
2005 All-America Selections Award Winner
Sugary Tomato
Hybrid, indeterminate, 60 days, reddish-pink, cherry (1/2 ounce)
2001 All-America Selections Award Winner
Jolly Tomato
Hybrid, indeterminate, 75 days, pink, peach-shaped cherry, resistance: cracking
1999 All-America Selections Award Winner
Juliet Tomato
Hybrid, indeterminate, 60 days, red, elongated cherry (1 ounce), resistance: cracking
1994 All-America Selections Award Winner
Named an All-America Classic by AAS
Big Beef Tomato
Hybrid, indeterminate, 73 days, red, beefsteak (10-12 ounces), resistance: VFFNTA
1993 All-America Selections Award Winner
Husky Gold Tomato
Hybrid, indeterminate, 70 days, golden, globe (7 ounces), resistance: VFA
1984 All-America Selections Award Winner
Celebrity Tomato
Hybrid, determinate, 70 days, red, beefsteak (8 ounces), resistance: VFFNTASt
1978 All-America Selections Award Winner
Florimerica Tomato (Floramerica Tomato)
Hybrid, determinate, 70 days, red, globe (7 ounces), resistance: 17 diseases, including VFFNTStAsc
1970 All-America Selections Award Winner
Small Fry Tomato
Hybrid, determinate, 65 days, brilliant red, cherry, resistance: VFNASt
1967 All-America Selections Award Winner
Spring Giant Tomato
Hybrid, 66 days, red, globe, resistance: VFN
Difficult to find; seeds may no longer may be produced
1951 All-America Selections Award Winner
Urbana Tomato
Heirloom, determinate, 70 days, scarlet, globe (7-9 ounces)
1943 All-America Selections Award Winner
Jubilee Tomato
Heirloom, indeterminate, 72-80 days, orange/golden, globe (7-9 ounces), low acid, resistance: FVT
1941 All-America Selections Award Winner
Victor Tomato
Heirloom, determinate, 55-68 days, red
Difficult to find
1940 All-America Selections Award Winner
Mingold Tomato
Heirloom, early, yellow
Difficult to find
1938 All-America Selections Award Winner
Harkness Tomato
Difficult to find
1938 All-America Selections Award Winner
Cardinal Tomato
Heirloom, indeterminate, 86 days, red, globe (2-10 ounces)
1936 All-America Selections Award Winner
Penn State Tomato
1936 All-America Selections Award Winner
Burpee Globe Tomato
Heirloom, indeterminate, 85 days, pink, globe
1935 All-America Selections Award Winner
Scarlet Dawn Tomato
Developed by Dr. A. F. Yeager, Department of Horticulture, University of New Hampshire
Used to breed Orange King Tomato in 1943
1933 All-America Selections Award Winner
Pritchard Tomato (also called Scarlet Topper)
Heirloom, indeterminate, 90 days, bright red, globe (5-10 ounces), resistance: F, cracking
V Verticillium Wilt
F Fusarium Wilt
FF Fusarium, races 1 and 2
FFF Fusarium, races 1, 2, and 3
N Nematodes
A Alternaria
T Tobacco Mosaic Virus
St Stemphylium (Gray Leaf Spot)
TSWV Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus
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