Tomato Dirt Newsletter Volume 2, Number 6: Issue #22
Dear Tomato Dirt reader,
Welcome back to Tomato Dirt! Once or twice a month, we’ll send you this newsletter packed with tips about growing tomatoes and using them.
Top Tips for Tomato Containers
Growing tomatoes in pots is one way to enjoy fresh tomatoes, even if you’ve never gardened before!
Benefits to growing tomato containers
- Containers and pots are versatile. The beauty of growing tomatoes in pots is that nearly anyone can do it – no matter if you live in a tiny condo, on a farm, in suburbia, or in a high-rise apartment with no patio.
- Containers are portable. You can bring your containers inside temporarily if the forecast is too cold or too wet. Towards the end of the season, you can extend your tomato harvest by moving containers to a protected area or into the garage overnight.
- Containers are useful in small spaces. You may not have room for a full-blown vegetable garden or even a tiny patch, but you can still enjoy fresh tomatoes for less money than you’d spend at the farmer’s market or a roadside stand by growing them in containers.
- Containers are convenient. Your schedule may not allow time to manage a vegetable garden. But it takes just a few minutes to plant tomatoes in containers – and a few seconds a day to check on them. Harvesting is easier, too.
- Containers allow for short growing seasons. If you live in a climate when summers are short, you can be successful at growing tomatoes in pots. You won’t need to wait for the ground to get warm in order to begin planting. And you can extend your harvest by bringing plants indoors if autumn comes sooner than later.
(Get a special 10% off tomato containers !)
Read all about tomato containers here.
Top Tip for Choosing Tomato Containers …
A common mistake is to select a pot that is too small for the tomato variety. Tomatoes have extensive root systems. When they get root-bound, they produce fewer fruit. Even varieties that are supposed to grow well in 1- or 2-gallon pots will likely do better in a larger pot. When in doubt, go with a larger pot rather than smaller.
Tomato containers are on sale now at!
Read the pros and cons of different kinds of tomato containers.
More on growing tomatoes in containers …
Tomato of the Month: Lemon Boy Tomato

Photo: Farmer Fred |
About once a month (maybe more, maybe less), we’ll publish a fun profile of a specific tomato variety. That way you’ll get to know different tomatoes better. And you may even be inspired to try to grow some of them yourself!
This month, check out Lemon Boy Tomatoes, a popular hybrid tomato, particularly among commercial growers. Its lemon shade was the first of its kind – not golden in color -- marking the variety as distinctive. Lemon Boy’s low acidity has added to its consistent and growing reputation. Plus, plants are pretty. Bright yellow fruit create a stark contrast to the plant’s dark green foliage. And gardeners rave about the variety’s disease resistance. Read more about Lemon Boy Tomato …
Where to find tomato seedlings and seeds ...
Heirloom and OP (open-pollinated) Tomato Varieties
Tomato Dirt recommends TomatoFest, which offers over 600 varieties.
Hybrid Tomato Varieties
For hybrid tomato seeds, we recommend Burpee , a leading home gardening and seed company since 1881.
Shop for Tomatoes
That’s it for now. More next time!
Until then, happy gardening!
Kathy with Tomato Dirt
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