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[Tomato Dirt #108] Sunscald: Patches, Blisters, and White Spots – Oh My!
July 21, 2016

Tomato Dirt Newsletter
Volume 6, Number 14

Dear Tomato Dirt reader,

Welcome back to Tomato Dirt! A couple of times a month, we’ll send you this newsletter packed with tips about growing tomatoes and using them.

Best Tips for Growing Tomatoes

Tomato Growing Book

Tomato Dirt is on Pinterest!

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Join us on Pinterest! Browse our 100+ boards (and growing) for all kinds of tomato inspiration and practical information: growing tomatoes, tomato seeds, cold frames for tomatoes, tomato books, tomato greenhouses, , indoor tomatoes – even crafts to do with a tomato theme. Happy pinning!

FEATURE: Sunscald on Tomatoes: Patches, Blisters, and White Spots – Oh My!

Image: Tomato Dirt

If you notice that your tomatoes have light patches, blisters, or white spots, they may have tomato sunscald – particularly if the plants get too much direct sun and especially during very hot weather.

Sound familiar? Take these steps.

  • Don’t over-prune tomato plants -- especially in hot climates. If you leave extra branches on plants, you’ll provide extra shade for fruit.
  • Cage tomato plants. Caging provides tomato support without requiring pruning, so foliage can provide shade to tomatoes, whereas traditional stakes and trellising expose fruit to maximum sunlight, which promotes sunscald. 
  • Watch the weather. When the forecast is for extended hot, dry weather, shield plants with a lightweight screen, shade cloth, or straw to protect fruit from over-exposure and hopefully prevent sunscald.

Get more details about sunscald and other problems on tomato fruit… and be sure to check out our Tomato Problems Pinterest board for more helpful information.

Worried about Food Security?

There is an ever growing concern over food security, quality and affordability around the world.  Food4Wealth is a simple method explained in a way that any person – someone like you – can easily start growing your own food and take control of your food quality, affordability and availability.

The e-book give you how-tos for setting up a garden that produces many times more than a traditional vegetable garden … one that naturally repels pests, helps you grow veggies and fruit organically in any soil, and grow food that you can harvest every single day of the year, no matter where you live.

Take a second right now to check out this resource to see if the Food4Wealth approach might work for you.

Tomato Growing Tip #35: Can You Eat Tomatoes With Sunscald?

Tomato Growing Tip #35: Can You Eat Tomatoes with Sunscald?

Image: Tomato Dirt

Get more tips for growing tomatoes on our Tomato Growing Tips Pinterest board.

To Help You Protect Tomato Fruit

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Gardener’s Tomato Staking System and other tomato cages AgFabric and other garden shade cloths

More About Tomato Problems on Fruit

Why Are My Tomatoes Developing White Spots? Gray Wall on Tomatoes: Blotchy Ripennig on Fruit Why Do Tomatoes Develop a Hard Core Center? Help! My Tomatoes Have Yellow or Green Shoulders!

That’s it for now. More next time.

Until then, happy gardening!

Kathy with Tomato Dirt
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