Tomato Dirt Newsletter
Issue #03, October 2010

Dear Tomato Dirt reader,

Welcome back to Tomato Dirt! Once or twice a month, we’ll send you this newsletter packed with tips about growing tomatoes and using them.

Keep on growing tomatoes this winter

Summer tomato growing season (for you northern hemisphere readers) may be behind us, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to enjoy fresh tomatoes.

You just have to change where you grow them … to inside! This year, try growing indoor tomatoes on a windowsill, under lights, or in a greenhouse.

“Choosing grow lights sounds complicated …”

Choosing grow lights has intimidated many a home gardener. Never fear! We’ve got the dirt to share with you and help make it simpler.

Tomato grow lights (or plant grow lights) allow you to start seedlings and grow tomatoes indoors, even during the off season or when temperatures are cold outside. Grow lights provide an electrical equivalent to sunlight.

There are two decisions you need to make when choosing your tomato grow light system: the type of lamp you’ll use and the type of set up you’ll use.

Here’s a brand-new page from Tomato Dirt that explains different kinds of grow lights and how to choose the right ones for you: tomato grow lights explained.

Most gardeners choose fluorescent lights …

Advances have rocketed fluorescent lights to the preferred choice among home gardeners. Today’s high output and compact fluorescent lights emit more light, less heat, and a strong light spectrum than standard fluorescents and are significantly more efficient than incandescent lamps. They’re economical, too. Read more about using fluorescent grow lights to start and grow tomatoes indoors .

If you want to simply cut to the chase and look at some nifty tomato grow lights systems, then check out this link: fluorescent grow lights systems to choose from.

Halloween is just around the corner!

Go ahead and have some extra fun this year. Dress up in a tomato Halloween costume! Or make one for children you know. It’s one more way you can “grow tomatoes” all year long. Find out how to make a tomato Halloween costume.

That’s it for now. See you next time.

Until then, happy gardening!

Kathy with Tomato Dirt
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