Heat-Tolerant Tomato Varieties

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Updated 12.21.23

Gardeners in the south or in hot regions may want to consider planting heat-tolerant tomato varieties.

Heat tolerant tomato varieties with Tomato Dirt #homegardening #growtomatoes

“I grow mostly heirloom varieties for my first crop here in AZ, and hybrid tomatoes (or common tomatoes) for my second crop because the season is shorter. What are some of the best varieties I can choose for my second crop?” Harlan D., Oro Valley, AZ

Good question, Harlan!

Choosing an appropriate variety for your growing conditions is a key to successful tomato gardening. It’s possible to have excellent crop in a hot climate when you select heat-tolerant tomato varieties.

Heat-Tolerant Tomato Varieties: Hybrids

Bella Rosa
Hybrid, determinate, 75 days, red, large
Bred for the southeast USA

Big Beef
Hybrid, indeterminate, 73 days, red, medium/large (10 ounces)

Florida 91
Hybrid, determinate, 72 days, red, medium/large (10 ounces)

Fourth Of July
Hybrid, indeterminate, 49 days, red/pink, small (4 ounces)

Hybrid, indeterminate, 60 days, red, grape

Heat Wave II
Hybrid, determinate, 68 days, red, medium (7 ounces)

Homestead 24
Hybrid, determinate, 80 days, red, medium (8 ounces)

Hybrid, indeterminate, 82 days, red, large globe

Mountain Crest
Hybrid, indeterminate, 74 days, red, medium (10 ounces)

Porter or Porter Pink
Hybrid, indeterminate; 78 days; pink, plum, small (4 ounces)

Hybrid, determinate, 75 days, red, medium/large (12 ounces)

Solar Fire
Hybrid, determinate, 72 days, red, medium (10 ounces)

Hybrid, determinate, 75 days, crimson, small/medium (5-6 ounces)

Hybrid, determinate, 70 days, red, medium (6 ounces)

Sun Leaper
Hybrid, determinate, 82 days, red, medium (9 ounces)

Sun Chaser
Hybrid, indeterminate, 72 days, red, medium (7 ounces)

Hybrid, determinate, 72 days, red, medium (7 ounces)

Super Fantastic
Hybrid; indeterminate; 70 days, red, large

Sweet 100
Hybrid, indeterminate, 70 days, red, cherry

Heat-Tolerant Tomato Varieties: Heirlooms

Arkansas Traveler originated in the Ozark Mountains
Heirloom, indeterminate, 90 days, pink, medium (6 ounces)

Costoluto Genovese originated in Italy
Heirloom, indeterminate, 85 days, red, large

Green Zebra originated in USA
Heirloom, determinate, 78 days, green, small (3 ounces)

Quarter Century dates to 1901
Heirloom, indeterminate, 85 days, red, large (12 ounces)

Sioux originated in Nebraska
Heirloom; semi-determinate, 78 days, red, medium (6 ounces)

Super Sioux descended from the Sioux tomato
Heirloom; indeterminate; 70 days, red, globe

Check with Your Local Extension

If you live in a hot, humid climate, check in with your local gardening extension. They can recommend to you the most heat-tolerant tomato varieties for your area!

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